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IT 英语

生物中的AP 话题

Why should students learn?
Our students live in an increasingly populated and competitive society, with more urban dwellers than ever before in human history. The challenges that they face from future problems, such as global warming, energy shortage, pollution, overpopulation, and others, require a level of sophistication from our students that is high enough to meet the challenge. It is imperative that students entering our adult world be prepared for this new world and its challenges. In order to be prepared, they must study with critical minds be more mature overall, and learn more than the previous generation. The new generation of students must create innovative solutions for the upcoming future, for the purpose of humankind's continued survival.

Greetings; I am an American who has recently taught in Mainland China.I read about a possible availability in Beijing and elsewhere in China, for a qualified instructor. Providing curriculum-based lectures and subject-based learning activities to primary and secondary school, as well as undergraduate and graduate students in China, has become my specialty, and I dearly desire to continue my teaching career in an American academic curricular venue. I will be happy to use my experience and expertise to make a significant contribution to your school’s academia. 
So far, I have accumulated more than ten years of teaching experience with students, including five years in Mainland China. In general, graduate school and my prior professional experience have made me very adept within the academic environment, and quite resourceful in utilizing my experience in a wide range of environments. Moreover, I have engaged students at all grade levels in a wide range of science-related (as well as other) topics.


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