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My feeling about NV

Nathan,曾经New Vision的学员。他来New Vision学习时由于英语基础好,因此上了几次托福课就直接进入了高中预科课程的学习。下面是他去美国上高中后,写给New Vision老师和学生们的体会:  

    新视野的老师们都很好,很耐心,很和善。一方面,每当我在学习美国高中课程遇到问题时,他们总是很耐心的指导我。当然,他们的帮助让我到达我的美国,准备开始适应我的美国高中的生活时,感到很轻松。虽然不同的老师有不同的授课方式,他们总会尽力找到针对每一个学生的特殊的授课方式,以达到以最快速度让学生取得进步的目的。因为他们的这种个性,我在新视野的老师们就为我制定了一份针对性的学习计划。也正是因为他们的帮助,我很快的提高了我的英语听说读写技巧和能力。同时,虽然在一开始我觉得在他们教我美国高中课程时很难跟上他们, 但是在一个月之后我就可以轻松流畅的在课堂上和他们交流讨论课程内容。我可以肯定的说,当我第一次到达美国的时候,几乎没有课程能难倒我。新视野的老师告诉我美国的文化,同时,他们也对中国的文化非常好奇和感兴趣。我们有时候会讨论文化的差异,当然,这只是我们讨论主题的其中之一。我们讨论我们的爱好,我们的心情,我们会分享我们的旅行经历,甚至我们午饭吃的美味的食物。我可以告诉他们任何关于我生活的细节,而他们就是我最好的听众。


Nathan and mother

During the long period of time when I was studying in New Vision, to be honest, I’ve learned a lot. This doesn’t only mean I’ve learned a lot of useful academic knowledge, but also including American culture and helpful daily skills and strategies about how to make my American High School life better. The teachers in New Vision are really nice and kind. On the one hand, they are always patient when I have questions in my procedure of studying American high school academic knowledge. Of course, their help make me feel a lot easier when I arrived at my high school and tried to get used to the life and courses here. Although different teachers have different teaching styles, they would try their best to find a special way that fit to an individual student and make the student make progress faster. Because of this kind of characteristic, my teachers in New Vision made a specific plan for me. And because of their help, I improved my English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills rapidly. Also, although I found it was kind of hard for me to follow them while they were teaching me American high school courses at the beginning, I can easily communicate and discuss with them about the class content fluently a month later. I can tell, there was almost no problem with any of my classes when I first arrived in the U.S. On the other hand, they are just like our friends. They told me about their culture and also curious about our country’s culture. We sometimes discuss the culture differences together and this is only one part of our chatting topics. We talked about our hobbies, our mood and share our traveling experience, delicious food that we eat for lunch. I can talk any details about my life with them and they are the best audiences. Sometimes, New Vision is just like a family. Teachers and students take care of each other, learn from each other and make improvement together. To be honest, I love all of my teachers in New Vision. I have to say thank you to all of them. Without their care, I won’t be as successful as what I’ve achieved right now. Sincerely, thank you to everyone in New Vision.



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